Saturday, January 3, 2009

Read Anything, Anywhere, Anytime?

Here's post about e-book possibilities from the new Information Fluency group on Diigo:
  • Imagine, being able to read classic books via your SMART Phone! That is exactly what this site is!

    Tags: phone, ebook, web2.0

    Thanks Jen for pointing out this software. I appreciate the very cool aspects of using this software on a smart phone. NO doubt about it: phone applications a great way to extend the internet, 21cif, and e-learning. 

    I'm surrounded by iPhones! All of my kids have them, and my younger brother is part of a start-up (Appy Entertainment) creating iPhone applications. I've also used a friend's iPhone to surf into one of my Moodle classes. Everywhere I look I see iPhones!

    So, I get it! (But I don't want it!) The screen size is just too small for me. I'm very interested in digital reading, but haven't made the jump to a specialized e-book readers. Instead, I'm thinking about a laptop with a wireless chipset. I want something ultra light with a full sized screen that provides me with full phone capability, access to high speed internet / phone net, and strong netbrowsing. 

    The gear is out there right now... However, I'm waiting for the tech to mature and the prices to fall.  ~ Dennis (AKA wiredinstructor... but I'm willing to go wireless... really! )
Posted from Diigo. The rest of Information Fluency group favorite links are here.

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